Tag Archives: Utah

Salt Lake City, UT | Family Gathering| Kids Crack Me Up!

We recently went out to Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Bat Mitzvah (attending, not shooting). The night before, there was a reception at our hotel. I brought along my camera and grabbed some fun pictures of Molly at play.

For me, these pictures fall somewhere between wedding photography and documentary portrait photography. I shot them at a family gathering (similar to a wedding reception) but they are really all about my subjects (Molly and her Grandfather) rather than the event itself.

Almost any situation or event will give you an opportunity to get great pictures of kids. Get the camera ready, pay attention, and they are bound to do something funny or interesting. Along with being ready and paying attention, I am always on the lookout for great light or great expressions. Either of these things can make for a nice documentary photo, if there is a chance to get both, that is when exceptional photographs can happen.

In the case of these three images, I didn’t have great light, but the expressions are really fun and they tell us a lot about Molly’s personality (and Papa Al’s as well).

Just click on any of the images to see them larger. Enjoy…

Note: Molly is always perplexed by my old film cameras. She asks “Who is it? Who is it?”, Which actually means “show me the picture on the back of the camera”. Of course, I have to tell her “Sorry, this camera shoots film.” Which usually gets me the suspicious look you see here.

Tech Info:
Nikon F100
Nikon 50mm f1.4 lens (wide open)
Fuji Neopan 1600 (@ 1600)
Processing and scanning by Richard Photo Lab